Mosquito Facts
As soon as the night frost has released its grip, the mosquitoes begin to appear
A completely non-toxic and free way in which to keep mosquitoes away is the Greenlanders’ favourite. The local secret is the leaves from Labrador tea (qajaasat). Take the leaves and rub them between your hands and apply the juice to your face and other bare areas.
Basically all Greenlandic towns are located right by the sea. On warm summer days, fog can be seen waiting a few kilometres out over the sea.
Once the evening comes, the fog often rolls in and the temperature drops. That makes the mosquitoes cold. So on those days when your adventure does not invite mountaineering, it’s all about enjoying and taking advantage of the fog.
Non-toxic and free way in which to keep mosquitoes away!
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You will not look like a tourist if you wear a mosquito net and smell strongly of mosquito repellent. Because the locals do too.
Both items can be purchased in the majority of supermarkets and in souvenir shops throughout the country. However, you may find that they are sold out, so buying them at home before your adventure begins is a good idea.
Even though mosquitoes thrive in most of South Greenland, they are hard to find around sheep farming locations. It is said that the mosquitoes simply cannot hatch in the water holes around the sheep.
So if you know that you cannot cope with the small swarms, then a farm holiday in the beautiful South Greenland countryside is perhaps the solution.