On an island where it’s difficult to cultivate even potatoes, the vitamins supplied by foraging for berries and herbs are vital to both good health and good flavour in dishes. You’ll find angelica, sorrel, Arctic thyme, and more. In season, rhubarb is also ubiquitous.
The muskox carpaccio I enjoyed at the now-closed Nipisa restaurant in Nuuk is a perfect example of local source, global format. But this rich meat is also served in burgers, delicately grilled fillets, or slowly braised.
Nuuk is home to the Godthaab micro brewery, which produces a variety of delicious ales. North of the Arctic Circle, stop by Mamartut in Ilulissat, where owner Kim Sander Pedersen famously offers a range of homemade schnapps-style liqueurs, each flavoured with local herbs … or even ptarmigan crop!
Food in Greenland
The Greenlandic food culture is closely linked to the Greenlandic feeling of identity. If you want to feel like a genuine Greenlander eat like the locals!
This will give you a unique insight into a food culture that has traditionally been dependent on what can be caught in the wild. There are as many ways to eat Kalaalimernit as there are people, but here is a guide that will help you through some of the Greenlandic delicacies that you are likely to come across during your trip.